Google Chrome Standalone Silent Install Command

  1. Google Standalone Download
  2. Google Chrome Silent Install Switch
  3. Install Chrome Command Line Windows

Many times it is an issue with the Administrators to deploy Google Chrome enterprise wide as there are lots of issues like: 1) Many people would have already installed various other versions of Chrome either through MSI or through exe. 2) How to customize Google chrome for enterprise wide deployment. Silent Install Google Chrome.

Download msi. Magix cleaning lab free download. Create.cmd file for silent install google chrome. Create Master Preferences file.

Disable auto update. Execute silent install google chrome. Silent install guides for other application here: What is the difference between Google Chrome and Google Chrome Enterprise? Google Chrome Enterprise installs for use for any user on the machine it’s installed on. This is ideal for ensuring all potential users have the latest version of Google Chrome whereas the non-Enterprise Google Chrome will only install per user. This could leave you with differing versions of Google Chrome over time if not managed. Download msi for silent install Google Chrome. First download the latest version MSI. You can now download the Google Chrome MSI installer direct from Google from the link below: The downloaded msi save to a folder in your computer and rename: “googlechromestandaloneenterprise.msi ” Create the.cmd file for silent install google chrome.


In this tutorial will explain how to silent install Google Chrome msi and disable auto update.The command will uninstall older version of Google Chrome and install a new version.Also the script will disable auto update of google chrome. This is important if you don’t want automatically update.

Google Chrome Standalone Silent Install Command

Google chrome silent install Just right-click on install.cmd and run as administrator. After few seconds the install will finished. 32-bit or 64-bit? Yes, there is a 64-bit Google Chrome.

Google Standalone Download

However, the majority of installs are of the 32-bit (even for 64-bit machines.) If you would like the 64-bit keep in mind that you will also need to make sure that your Java is also 64-bit as well. About Google Chrome. Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It used the WebKit layout engine until version 27 and, with the exception of its iOS releases, from version 28 and beyond uses the WebKit forkBlink. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on September 2, 2008, and as a stable public release on December 11, 2008. As of October 2015, StatCounter estimates that Google Chrome has a 56% worldwide usage share of web browsers as a desktop browser. It is also the most popular browser for smartphones, and combined across all platforms at about 45%. Its success has led to Google expanding the ‘Chrome’ brand name on various other products such as the Chromecast.

Installshield silent install

Deploy Google Chrome. You can deploy google chrome with sccm 2012. Follow the link for more informations: If you have any question about Google Chrome silent installation, do feel free to ask in the comment section.

I posted this as Google closed a bug report I'd commented on, which while not a bug I believe it was short sighted. 'For anyone reading this looking for a true enterprise version. Here's a quick guide to get you started, maybe Google could take pointers if they want to take enterprise users seriously.

I cannot find anything in the EULA to prevent this however I will have it thoroughly checked before deploying it and I suggest you do the same. Get the GPO pack and decide your settings, disabling Google Update (for at Least Chrome) completely. Setting Install and Update to 0. This will stop admins and users alike installing Chrome from any method (I've found). Set the Chrome policies in the GPO (careful of the content settings as at the time of writing this the downloaded ADM file has the wrong values for some of the registry keys. Find the keys that are not being set correctly and modify the ADM file increasing the registry key values by 1) 3.

Google Chrome Silent Install Switch

Download the 'ChromeInstaller.exe' from where version number for '12.0.742.100' would be '742.100' 4. Repackage the executable using the cmd line 'chromeintaller.exe -system-level' using you favorite Application packaging software (WISE and AdminStudio tested OK), you should be able to use AppDeploy's Re-packager too. Customize the package, removing the uninstall shortcut and some registry keys.

You may wish to change the install directory to avoid future issues (remember to change the registry keys to match). If you need to deal with 64bit machines you need to extract the 'wowhelper.exe' from the Chrome.7z and place it with the Chrome.exe and use logic to only install on 64bit machines (see the thank you below). That said on my Windows 7 64bit I had no issues without the 'wowhelper.exe' being present but I guess it is there for a reason.

Install Chrome Command Line Windows

This a good time to put in a custom 'masterpreferences' file (I've attached mine if it helpes). Package your MSI and deploy as you wish, standard MSI commands apply. If you're using WISE set the MSI to uninstall old versions (haven't tried with other packaging software) and then to release a new version after testing, repeat procedure and the MSI will update automatically previous versions. Thanks go out to all the frustrated admins out there trying to get this working correctly in their own environments. Google Chrome is good!

Please let us use it? Special thanks go out to AngelD from for the final pieces of the puzzle.