Free Software For Box Culvert Design Manual

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  3. Box Culvert Design Manual

See Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts 3rd sentence of last paragraph on p. 25 PVCPlastic CorrugatedPE SmoothHDPE HY8 Federal Highway Administration's Culvert Analysis Program User Guide US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), HEC-RAS, River Analysis System Hydraulic Reference Manual, March 2008 Manning's 'n' Values.

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The FEMA-approved CulvertMaster is hands down the best tool available for solving culvert hydraulics problems. Incredibly flexible, fast, report-ready, and stress-free, CulvertMaster builds on the input you have on-hand while providing what you are missing:. Fast: Quickly deliver robust, report-ready culvert designs. CulvertMaster builds on the input you have on hand, providing you with any unknown design variable such as headwater depth, discharge, or culvert size. Easy: From simple, single culvert sections to complex, multi-barrel culverts with roadway overtopping, CulvertMaster helps you evaluate existing culverts and compare numerous design options with ease.

Reliable: Use the built-in FHWA HDS-5 methodology, SCS and rational hydrology, and robust gradually varied flow hydraulics to deliver culvert designs that will stand the test of time. To model full stormwater systems, consider.

Kemset Moore, Hydrologist, E.I.T. Furniss, Hydrologist Sam A. Flanagan, Geologist Michael A. Six Rivers National Forest Pacific Southwest Region Jeff Moll, P.E.

Senior Project Leader, San Dimas Technology and Development Center. Appendixes. Introduction Forest engineers and hydrologists regularly calculate design culvert dimensions for use in wildland road stream crossings. This project investigates existing software tools to aid resource managers in culvert design and analysis requirements for low-volume forest roads. Computer models can make culvert design and analysis less cumbersome, but not all software products will meet the designer’s needs.

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How To Use This Guide This guide is a snapshot of information on software tools for culvert design and analysis gathered as of June 1998. To select a cost-effective software product that meets design needs, the reader can:. Look sequentially at all the tables, particularly the product review summary, which compares all the products.

The tables are:. Table 1. Stream Crossing Culvert Design Considerations.

Table 2. Factors for Inlet and Outlet Control.

Table 3. Product Reviews.

Table 4. Culvert Product by Focus.

Table 5. Input Data. Table 6. Output Data. Table 7. Criteria Weighting Factors.

Table 8. Selection Matrix Example. Read the paper. Follow the decision matrix methodology suggestions located in appendix A. A glossary of terms and notations is presented in appendix B, and a decision matrix with selected criteria is presented in appendix A.

Objectives The objectives of this study were to provide background information on culvert design and analysis and to locate and inventory existing computer software for use in culvert design and analysis. Products were evaluated with two questions in mind: What does the product do, and how does it do it? Information Organization All products reviewed are summarized below in tables 3 and 4 for a quick comparison of costs, operating systems, application focus, and solution methodology.

Product sources, vendor, and developer information for each product is found in appendix A. Findings Thirty-three products were considered for inclusion. Thirteen of these are not currently available or appropriate. This resulted in a review of 20 products, which are summarized in table 3. Culvert hydraulic design products, complex CAD software, and watershed modeling software with a culvert design component make up the majority of products located to date.

Most culvert design and analysis software programs are based on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) research, primarily Normann (1985) (table 3). The cost of these products ranges widely from free to $795. Software products perform a variety of functions and give the culvert modeler a wide choice of features. Not every product accomplishes all goals, so it is best to determine the culvert design needs first, compare product features, and then weigh costs. Most products provide a choice of units of measure and options for defining hydrology.

A few software products will model roads along with culverts to provide the opportunity for determining capacity exceedance. Tables 5 and 6 summarize all input and output features for each product. Discussion Software is capable of returning extremely precise results that can be misleading. Culvert software for design and analysis requires users to be informed, experienced and, aware of assumptions and “bugs” embedded in products. For example, pipe arch definitions differ among software products.

A pipe arch, as described by a software product, may be a structural plate pipe arch, ellipse set below grade, open-bottomed culvert, or a prefabricated “squashed pipe.” This information may show in cross-sectional area computational differences, variations in Manning’s n through a closed- or open-bottom arch, visual sketches, or results. The software product’s definition of a pipe arch must be in agreement with the culvert designer’s concept of a pipe arch. System compatibility is critical to successful use of a software product, so it is very important to match software products to available computer equipment. There is a difference between a product that runs in DOS and one that runs in the DOS emulator mode of Windows 95. True DOS software is batch input and will not run in Windows.

Cost of the software product is a factor in any acquisition decision. In addition to the initial software purchase, the culvert designer should consider any hidden costs that may be associated with the initial purchase. If new system requirements or hardware such as a CD-ROM drive is necessary, these costs should be taken into account. Additional expenses may be associated with product support or user manuals.

Finally, costs associated with learning to use the product also need to be considered. Be careful of “feature bloat,” which is defined as unnecessary and expensive additions to products. A user-friendly product running faster and requiring less disk space is more desirable than one with many unnecessary features. The additions make the product more difficult to use. Product support and a clear and concise users’ manual are vital to the successful and continued usage of a software product. They are also more important than expensive features. Some of the products reviewed are complex and include several design features.

Box Culvert Detail

If, after careful evaluation, a total river modeling system with culvert design capabilities and CAD features are needed in a software product, the cost may be justified. Table 3—Product reviews. Application Review level. Focus Cost Operating system Algorithm sources CAP-Culvert Analysis Program 2 3 Culvert design and analysis Free from ftp sites, $145.00 as part of HydroCD. DOS, UNIX Bodhaine (1969) CHAN v.

2 1 2 3 Watershed modeling with culvert component $259.00 Windows 9x Normann (1985) Culvert Master 1 2 3 Culvert design and analysis $495.00 WIN 3.x, Windows 9x, NT Normann (1985) Xing-Risk 1 2 3 4 Hazard analysis for culvert failure Free Windows 9x, NT Piehl et al. (1988) Drainage Calculator 1 2 3 Culvert design (slide rule format) $8.00 Hand held paper slide rule Normann (1985) DrainCalc 1 2 3 Drainage system design and analysis with culvert component $295.00 DOS, DOS Emulator in Windows California Highway or Manning's equations Eagle Point Watershed Modeling v.

7.0S 2 3 River modeling with culvert component $800.00 Windows 9x Normann (1985) Eagle Point Water Surface Profiling 2 3 Water surface profiles with culvert component $800.00 Windows 9x HEC-2 FishPass 2 3 Fish passage design for culverts Free DOS, DOS Emulator in Windows General hydraulic theory, Powers and Orsborn FishXing 1 2 3 4 Fish passage design for culverts Free Windows 9x, NT Normann (1985) Behike et al. (1991), Behike (1993) HEC-RAS v. 4 Literature Cited American Iron and Steel Institute. Handbook of steel drainage and highway construction products. American Society of Civil Engineers, Task Committee on Software Evaluation of the Technical Council on Computer Practices. Guide for evaluating engineering software. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, 121 p.

Ballinger, Craig A., and Patricia G. Culvert repair practices manual: Volume I. Behlke, Charles E.

Fundamentals of culvert design for passage of weak-swimming fish, software documentation. Behlke, Charles E., Douglas L. Kane, Robert F.

McLean, and Michael D. Fundamentals of culvert design for passage of weak-swimming fish. Final Report.

Bodhaine, G.L. Measurement of peak discharge at culverts by indirect methods. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations. Book 3, Chapter A3.

California Department of Transportation. Highway design drainage design. In: Highway Design Manual. Sacramento, CA. Chapters 800-890. Donahue, John P., and Andrew F. Hydraulic design of culverts on forest roads.

Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Volume 17, p 1545-1551. Fulford, J.M. User’s guide to the culvert analysis program. Geological Survey Open File Report 95-137. Fulford, J.M., 1997.

Revisions of the CAP program and OFR 95-137. Geological Survey. Furniss, Michael J., Tyler S. Ledwith, Michael A. Love, Bryan C. McFadin, and Sam A. Response of road-stream crossings to large flood events in Washington, Oregon, and northern California.

USDA Forest Service, San Dimas Technology and Development Center. 9877-1806 Gribben, John E.

Hydraulics and hydrology for stormwater management. Delmar Publishers. Hansen, William F. Some applications of flood frequency and risk information in forest management.

In: Application of Frequency and Risk in Water Resources. Reidel Publishing Company. Haussman, Richard F., and Emerson W.

Free Software For Box Culvert Design Manual

Pruett, 1978. Permanent logging roads for better woodlot management. USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Northeastern Area, Broomall, PA.

US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center. David, and James N. Culvert sizes needed for small drainage areas in the central Appalachians. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 5(2) 123-127. Huber, W.C., and R.

Storm water management model, version 4: User’s manual. Myers, Glenford J. The art of software testing. Wiley and Sons.

Nolan, Jeanne M., (ed.). Micro software evaluations.

Knoll Information Management Services. Torrance, CA, 176 p.

Normann, Jerome M., Robert J. Houghtalen, and Robert J. Hydraulic design of highway culverts. FHWA-IP-15 HDS No. McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration. Parola, Arthur. Hydraulic analysis of culverts by microcomputer.

Pennsylvania State University. Master’s thesis. Piehl, Bradley T., Marvin R. Pyles, and Robert L. Flow capacity of culverts on Oregon coast range forest roads. Water Resources Bulletin.

24 (3) 631-637. Powers, Patrick D., and John F. Analysis of barriers to upstream fish migration: An investigation of the physical and biological conditions affecting fish passage success at culvert and waterfalls. Final Report Part 4 of 4. Albrook Hydraulics Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.

Pyles, Marvin, Arne E. Skaugset, and Terry Warhol. Culvert design and performance on forest roads. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Council on Forest Engineering, Coeur d’Alene, ID. August 27-30, 1989. Ramsbottom, D., R.

Culvert design guide. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, 6 Storey’s Gate, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AU, United Kingdom. For ordering information. New chart for culvert design.

California Division of Highways, Sacramento, CA. Civil Engineering. Schuster, Ervin G., Larry A. Leefers, and Joyce E. A guide to computer-based analytical tools for implementing national forest plans. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. Glossary of Terms and Notations alignment Placement of the culvert with respect to the streamflow and road crossing.

Allowable headwater depth (AHD) Allowable depth of water immediately upstream of a culvert, measured from the invert at the first full cross section of the culvert. A design criteria. Allowable headwater elevation (AHE) The maximum permissible depth of water surface immediately upstream of culvert at the design discharge, measured from a datum. Note: datum may differ between software applications; measured from culvert invert or another datum. Arch Structural plate corrugated steel pipe formed to an arch shape.

The invert may be the natural streambed or any other suitable material, but is not integral with the steel arch. See pipe arch for comparison. Backwater The rise of water level upstream due to a downstream obstruction or channel confluence or constriction.

Backwater curve Water surface elevation for gradually varied flow, where changes in velocity occur very slowly, with negligible acceleration. Units are in length. Backwater effect The effect that changes in flow rate or water depth have on upstream hydraulic conditions. Backwater effects can only occur in subcritical flow. Baffle Obstruction, usually wood, concrete, or metal, placed inside a culvert to deflect and check the flow of water for fish passage. Bedload Sediments, rocks, and boulders not in suspension, but rolled or drawn along a stream bottom by force of water movement. Beveled inlet A flare on the inlet edge of a culvert to improve efficiency or capacity of inlet-controlled culverts, reduces the inlet coefficient K e.

Box culvert Short segment of closed conduit, rectangular in cross section. Capacity (hydraulic) The effective carrying ability of a drainage structure. Measured in volume per time. Coefficient of runoff Percentage of gross rainfall that appears as runoff. Also ratio of runoff to depth of rainfall. Used in the Rational method for computing design discharge.

Competent velocity The velocity of water that can just move a specified type or size of streambed material. Corrugated metal pipe (CMP) Galvanized steel or aluminum sheet metal formed to finished shape by the fabricator. Cost effective Providing the optimum effect at the most reasonable cost. Critical depth Depth of flow at which specific energy is minimum for a given flow. Not affected by downstream phenomenon. Critical flow Flow at critical depth, where the sum of the velocity head and the static head is at a minimum.

Flow with Froude number of 1. Critical slope Slope of channel or culvert when normal depth equals critical depth. The slope at which a maximum flow will occur at minimum energy.

Critical velocity Mean water velocity at critical depth. Culvert A hydraulically short conduit that conveys streamflow, sediment, debris, and aquatic species through a roadway embankment or past some other type of flow obstruction. Debris Floating, suspended, or waterlogged woody materials moved by a streamflow. Desigh discharge The discharge that a structure is designed to accommodate without exceeding the chosen design constraints. A quantity of flow that is expected at a certain point as a result of a design storm or flood frequency.

Design flood The peak discharge (when appropriate, the volume, stage, or wave crest elevation) of the flood associated with the probability of exceedance selected for the design of a highway encroachment. Design frequency The recurrence interval for hydrologic events used for design purposes.

As an example, a design frequency of 50 years means a storm of a given magnitude has a 2 percent (1/50) chance of being equaled or exceeded in 1 year. Design life The length of time a structure is designed to function without major repairs or replacement. Design storm A precipitation event, with a specified probability of occurrence in any given year expressed in years or percentage, used as a design parameter. May also be a particular storm that contributes a design runoff, depth, duration, or frequency. Diameter (D) Inside diameter, measured between inside crests of corrugations. Discharge The volumetric rate of movement or flux of a quantity of water flowing from a drainage structure or past a given point per unit of time.

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Also, flow rate. Endpoints Resources or facilities of value or importance that could be potentially affected by crossing failure. Energy grade line (EGL) The line that represents the total amount of energy available at any point along a culvert.

Where water is motionless, the water surface would correspond to the energy grade line. It is established by adding together the potential energy expressed as the water surface elevation referenced to a datum and the kinetic energy, usually expressed as velocity head, at points along the streambed or culvert profile. Energy head The sum of the hydraulic grade line at any section plus the velocity head of the mean velocity of the water in that section.

Entrance loss The head lost in eddies and friction at the inlet to a culvert. Also, contraction loss. Environmental risk assessment Methodology for determining the likelihood of modification by one or more values. Fall A steeply inclined channel length in or immediately upstream from a culvert inlet; designed to improve culvert capacity. Fish passage Movement of fish through a fishway or culvert.

Flood frequency Exceedance interval, recurrence interval, or return period. The average time interval between occurrences of a hydrological event of a given or greater magnitude. The percent chance of occurrence is the reciprocal of flood frequency, e.g., a 2-percent chance of occurrence is the reciprocal statement of a 50-year flood event. Flow rate The volume of water flowing from a drainage structure per unit of time. Flow area Cross-sectional area of flow calculated on the basis of inside culvert diameter.

Flow duration curve Graph showing the percentage of time mean daily discharges have been equaled or exceeded. Flow line elevation Elevation at the lowest point in a channel or culvert cross section. Flow regime Flow classification based on Froude number, i.e., supercritical or subcritical. Freeboard The height from a design water level to the top of a roadway or embankment. Froude number For rectangular or very wide channels, F = V/(gy h) 0.5 where F is the Froude number; a dimensions number used to determine flow regime.

V is the average velocity of flow, g is gravitational acceleration, and y h is the hydraulic depth. If F 1.0, the flow is supercritical and is characterized as swift, if F. For Additional Information Contact: Project Leader San Dimas Technology & Development Center 444 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas CA Phone 909-599-1267; TDD: 909-599-2357; FAX: 909-592-2309 E-mail: Information contained in this document has been developed for the guidance of employees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, its contractors, and cooperating Federal and State agencies. The USDA Forest Service assumes no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this information by other than its own employees.

Box Culvert Design Manual

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